5 easy flowers to make with paper and / or cardboard

Hello everybody! In today's article we bring you 5 ways to make flowers with paper and / or cardboard to decorate any room and give it a cozy touch.

Do you want to see what they are like and how to make them?

First way to make flowers: cherry blossoms

These flowers, although ideal for the arrival of spring, can be made to brighten up any room whatever the season of the year.

You can see how to do this craft step by step in the following link: Cherry blossoms, perfect to decorate the house in good weather

Second way to make flowers: Lilo flower

Simple flowers to make and that undoubtedly look good.

You can see how to do this craft step by step in the following link: Lilo flower or cluster flower

Third way to make flowers: Flower with toilet paper roll

This pretty and simple flower has the plus of being made with recycled material.

You can see how to do this craft step by step in the following link: Decorative flower with toilet paper rolls

Fourth way to make flowers: Centerpiece with flowers, candles and stones

What better way to combine beautiful flowers with stones and candles to create a center similar to this one? The good thing is that by changing the candles or flowers we can have a new center every time we want to renew it.

You can see how to do this craft step by step in the following link: Centerpiece with flowers, stones and a candle

Fifth way to make flowers: Flower with egg cartons

Another recycling craft to make flowers. They can be used both to decorate walls and to put them in vases if we add a stick to the flower.

You can see how to do this craft step by step in the following link:  Flowers with egg cartons

And ready! We can now start decorating our rooms.

I hope you cheer up and do this craft.

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