DIY Tutorial: Crystal Bead Necklace

crystal necklace

Do you like maxi necklaces but don't you just dare with them? Are they perhaps too ostentatious? Have you fallen in love with one of them but then you can't see each other with him?

Those are mainly the problems I had with maxi necklaces glass beads, they were too big and flashy, so, following the style idea of ​​maxi bib necklace, I made my own design and also reduced the size making it more subtle. What do you think?


  1. Crystal beads with octagonal or round shape of 6 cm in diameter.
  2. Silver miyuki beads. 
  3. Chain and rings. 
  4. Felt. 
  5. Headband. 
  6. Thread and needle. 
  7. Scissors. 

Our Process

collar mount

collar mount2 (Copy)

The first thing we will do is mark on the felt the approximate shape that our necklace will have. After We will sew one by one all the pieces arranged according to the design that we want to create. Once we have the centerpiece we will cut out the felt and hook another felt base under the piece that we will glue so that the stitches are not seen.

Then we will introduce two metal sticks, one at each end and with the pliers we will create the ring through which we will pass the chain. Finally, as a closing we will put some ribbons of black satin.

Until the next DIY!

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