Children's lamp with plastic cups

Children's lamp with plastic cups

It is not crazy but we already know that with many of the objects that we have at home they can be made Infinity of things. With a few glasses I have been able make a lamp with a childish touch. I think it can be a good proposal for a little girl children's party where we can give it an animated touch. It is very simple to perform and very cheap if we have been able to recycle a lamp that we had stored without knowing what to do with it. The materials are also cheap they are very practical to find in any bazaar and you will only need a silicone gun to glue all the material.

Children's lamp with plastic cups

The materials that I have used for this craft are:

  • the skeleton of a lamp that we no longer use
  • A low-energy bulb
  • 8 rigid plastic cups of any color (in my case they are blue)
  • a hot glue gun and silicones
  • a cutter
  • a ribbon with pompoms of the color you want (in my case it is beige)
  • A marker

You can see this craft step by step in the following video:

First step:

We have to take the measure that has the part of the lamp cap, for them we place the base of one of the glasses above the lamp and with a marker we mark the round shape of the cap, where the bulb will be inserted.

Children's lamp with plastic cups

Second step:

With a cutter we cut the part marked with the marker, we have to be careful not to cut ourselves, as there are quite a few glasses rigid and it can be difficult to make the shape round and the cutter slipping.

Third step:

We place the glass that we cut upwards and we are going to place your glasses around. We will go gluing them one by one with the glue gun, we are going to do it one by one since the silicone dries fast. We place this glue on top of the main glass and we are joining I glass them around. We will not only put silicone in the main glass but also between the glasses so that it remains the most united structure.

Fourth step:

With the structure of the lamp formed we are going to stick with the silicone the pom pom strip. We will place it in the top part of the glasses and in the bottom de glasses.

Fifth step:

There is only place the structure of the glasses between the lamp socket. We would need to put a energy saving light bulb so that the plastic of the glasses does not burn with the heat, and see our great design.

Children's lamp with plastic cups

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