Crepe flowers to decorate


Do you like the decoration with flowers? If so, you are going to love this tutorial. In it, we will learn to do flowers with crepe paper, perfect to decorate any corner of the home.

And it is that, now that we are in the middle of winter, surely all of you are already looking forward to spring and its flowers, but, in the meantime, we can settle for a spring decor.


  1. Crepe paper of various colors. 
  2. A 1 cm diameter ball. 
  3. Scissors. 
  4. Zeal. 

Our Process


To do the flower petals, we will cut five pieces with a rectangular shape of about 3 cm x 2 cm. Later, we will put the ball in the middle and we will roll it as if it were a candy. Once done, we will carefully remove the ball leaving the 'caramel' shape to crepe paper.

flower2 (Copy)

Once we have the flower petals, we will go on to make the stamens. To make them, just twist the paper and cut three pieces.

flower3 (Copy)

Then we will join five petals with the stamens in the center and fix it with a piece of tape.

flower4 (Copy)

To finish, we will make the stem with a rectangular piece that we will hook either with tape or with glue and we will twist the rest to give the stem thickness.

Until the next DIY!

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