A fun way to Giving chocolates is recycling a glass jar, and personalize it, decorating it to our liking, giving it our special touch, sure that whoever receives them will be delighted, if they like light chocolate.
So let's go with the step by step of our packagin to give chocolates.
The materials that we are going to use in this craft are the following:
- Glass jar.
- Silk paper.
- Cord.
- Cardboard.
- Beads or decoration.
- We will prepare the boat, we will clean and remove the tag. To do this, we will submerge it for a few minutes in boiling water and it will come out easily. Then We will crumple the tissue paper and place it in the bottom of the boat.
- We will introduce the chocolates inside the jar. We have to think about how many chocolates we have to see the size of the jar we need.
- We will decorate the lid, We will place cardboard or some 3D sticker so that it takes on volume. We can help ourselves with dies and adhesive foam.
- We will prepare a tag or card on cardboard, to place the message or the name of the recipient for example.
Last We will cover it and place the card together with the desired decoration, in this case a star that I made with modeling paste and that you can see by clicking HERE and a bell. Tying it with the cord and making a double bow to make it more attractive. And we will have our boat ready to give away, perfect for an invisible friend or that last minute detail and you don't want to miss out.
You have to think about the decoration of the set and use the combined colors as in my case playing with red and white to make a more professional gift jar.
I hope it has inspired you and that you do it and if you liked it you can like it and share it on your social networks. See you at the next craft.